There are two universal resources that matter: Time & Energy. I believe that most people prioritize the wrong one. If you are one of them, I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
You can’t control time (it keeps on ticking) but you can control your energy. Both are finite. But yet, energy can be replenished.
People should prioritize energy, not time.
Now, what does that look like?
First, take care of your health. Do more things that increase your energy and/or help replenish it. Activities such as working out, eating clean, spending time with family/friends, exploring your interests, and getting enough sleep. Avoid doing things that do the opposite - you know what they are.
Second, figure out what you want out of life. Ask yourself what your dream life looks like? This may change as time passes, and that’s okay. You just need a target.
Finally, spend your energy on significant tasks. Significant tasks are the few tasks, that if successful, will launch you toward your ideal life. Think of tasks that will have a big impact or exponential results, but with a capped downside. They will not be easy, but they will be worth it.
My next piece will be my Mindset on Work Ethic and how I approach executing significant tasks. I don’t want to formally write about it until I see the results myself. I’m currently testing my methods and executing my own significant tasks. Follow me on Twitter to keep up with my progress.
P.S. If you don’t have a task management system that works for you, check out Amazing Marvin. I do get paid if you sign up using my link, but I’ve been using Amazing Marvin for 3+ years. I swear by it.
This is great!